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Kat and Kevin Yares

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Pulled Pork

Nothing makes for a better summer or picnic meal than pulled pork on buns.  The perfect sandwich, and in my opinion, much better than a plain old hamburger.  If you own a slow cooker or roaster oven, this is one of those things you can make for your family or for a crowd with very little effort.  All you need is a day to cook the pork and a couple of forks to pull it.

Start with a boston butt roast, as these pork roasts have enough fat to give the pulled pork flavor and to keep it moist.  Season the roast with your favorite rub, spices of your choice, or be lazy like me and have a bottle of barbecue sauce handy. When you're choosing a roast at the store, buy one that will allow for about a half a pound per person.

Place the roast in your slow cooker or roaster oven.  Add 1/2 to 1 cup of water to the bottom of the pot. If you're using barbecue sauce, you will only need 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water. Set the slower cooker to low or the roaster oven to 225 and cook for no less than 10 hours.  The meat will be falling apart.

Using tongs, place the meat onto a plate or cutting board.  Hold the meat with one fork while pulling the meat apart with a second fork. When the plate or board gets to full, transfer the meat to a bowl or other container.

That's it. Super simple pulled pork.